IG Falkenstein-Siebenhitz


Landratsamt Vogtlandkreis
Marion Päßler
Postplatz 5
08523 Plauen


Tel: 03741 300 1071 Fax: 03741 300 4038 www.vogtlandkreis.de

Further contact person

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH
Abteilungsleiter Akquisition/Ansiedlung
Herr Andreas Lippert
Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 22
01309 Dresden


Tel: +49 (351) 2138-0

Basic informations

Location :
westlich von Falkenstein
Community :
Category :
Net building area:
229.000 m²
Available area:
60.000 m²
Largest part :
60.000 m²

Federal road:
B 169 (0,10 km)
A 72 (10,00 km)
Leipzig-Halle (150,00 km)
Federal road:
Direkt an der B 169
Railway station:
Falkenstein (2,00 km)

Contaminated site:
nicht vorhanden
Owner :

Technical development

Anschlusskriteriengestaltung nach Bedarf
Umspannwerk anliegend; Anschlusskriteriengestaltung nach Bedarf
Zentrale Entwässerung (Trennsystem)
liegt an; Anschlusskriteriengestaltung nach Bedarf
Anschluss an Gasfernleitung möglich


Ansiedlungen im Umfeld: Entfernungen zu Fahrzeugherstellern: BMW in Leipzig: ca. 130 km VW in Zwickau/Mosel: ca. 40 km Opel in Eisenach: ca.180 km - direkte Lage an der Bundesstraße B 169 - politische Akzeptanz, Unterstützung der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung gegeben - gut ausgebildetes, industrieerfahrenes Arbeitskräftepotenzial

Region profile

Auerbach and Falkenstein, both towns are located within the mid-central town-association of the Göltzschtal. The region does count approx.45.000 inhabitants. The Göltzschtal does link the economic region Chemnitz-Zwickau to the Vogtland region and the Upper Franconia. Investors do meet with optimal conditions here. The economic area of the Göltzschtal does have a well developed infrastructure and is easily reachable by taking the motorway A 72 (Hof-Chemnitz) and the federal roads B 169 and B 94 which also means a very good connection to the supra-regional traffic centres. The conditions will be even improve by the Göltzschtal-bypass and the fast connection to the motorway that are currently planned. The industrial tradition of the region reaches back far to history and did has its beginning as a significant centre of the textile industry in Saxonia. A special location factor is the future-oriented situation at the border quadrangle of Saxonia, Bavaria, Thuringia and Czech Republic with their versatile cooperation- and network opportunities. As a result of the mobility and flexibility of the people at the region there are the lowest figures of unemployment within the new federal states. Highly specialised textile companies, metal working companies, companies working in the fields of polymers, electrotechnology and foods have been new established or did revive. Further the engagement in the branch of the automobile supplier industry did increase rapidely in the past years and does enhance itself steadily. Developed surface areas with a size up to 30 ha within the industrial parks are available for investors at favourable conditions. Thereby special demands that are requested by the investors, especially in regards to the coverage of the area, can be realised. Well-skilled and motivated workers, especially within the branches metal, textile, electronics and services, do guarantee a great personal base. For further education of the necessary skilled workers within the rgion there are diverse polytechnics, academies and at the Göltzschtal itself there are located two professionla school centres, three grammar schools as well as several training facilities. Last but not least the scenic hinterland does offer a high degree of living quality for the whole family. important companies: - Unilever Deutschland (food industry) - EAO ESA GmbH (automibile supply industry) - Schaltanlagen Auerbach GmbH (electronics) - ComCard Eurocoin GmbH (chip- and smartcards) - Vogtländisches Kabelwerk GmbH (innovative cable production) - Kunststofftechnik Schedel GmbH (polymer processing) - Erfal-Erler OHG (manufacturer of special textiles) - Murrplastik Kunstsofftechnik GmbH (automobile supplier) - Hetzner Online AG (Computer Center) - embro GmbH (Technical embroidery)

Record changed: 01.07.2024 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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