Industrie- und Gewerbegebiet Plauen-Oberlosa 1


Stadt Plauen
Franziska Gerhardt
Unterer Graben 1
08523 Plauen


Further contact person

Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH
Abteilungsleiter Akquisition/Ansiedlung
Herr Andreas Lippert
Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 22
01309 Dresden


Tel: +49 (351) 2138-0

Basic informations

Location :
südwestlicher Stadtrand, direkte Anbindung an B92 mit Weiterführung an BAB 72, Anschluss-Stelle Plauen-Süd in 0,8 km
Community :
Category :
Net building area:
127.300 m²
Available area:
127.000 m²
Largest part :
90.200 m²

Railway station:
Plauen-Oberer Bahnhof (7,00 km)
A 72 (0,80 km)
Federal road:
B 92
Leipzig-Halle (140,00 km)

Contaminated site:
nicht vorhanden
Settlement needs:
flächenintensive Industrie
Owner :

Technical development


B-Plan in Erstellung

Region profile

Englisch: Plauen, the largest town in the Vogtland District, is the centre of an aspiring region in south-west Saxony and it is also the regional hub of the Saxon part of the Vogtland region. Situated very close to Bavaria, Thuringia and the Czech Republic, Plauen has developed into the residential, trading and industrial centre of the region with a population of approx. 65,000 residents; it covers a surface area measuring approx. 120 square kilometres. Stable, innovative and dynamic companies dominate the character of the town’s manufacturing sector. Local companies are involved in a wide variety of business sectors, including engineering, steel and metal construction, electrical engineering/electronics, vehicle production and vehicle equipment, printer products, food and luxury items and the textile industry. As a result, Plauen has a broad-based business footing, which makes it able to resist structural crises and also opens up a variety of opportunities for companies to cooperate with each other. The outstanding advantages of the town: - a top location at the heart of Europe - direct links to the motorway - a rail transport hub - a regional airfield and - cross-border long-distance traffic. These underlying conditions ensure that the town will continue to develop. Qualified, motivated and affordable workers are available. Up to 35% of investments in Plauen can be subsidized because the town has been classified as one of the priority locations within the “Improving the business structure” joint federal/state government programme. Forward-looking urban developments in all spheres of public life guarantee high standards of living and residence in Plauen, and company investment decisions in favour of the business centre at Plauen also ensure work and success.

Record changed: 22.08.2024 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH (WFS)


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